Investment OpportunitiesFor information on Panama Teak Forestry share availability, contact company president Jeff Duda by email ( or by phone or whats app +507 6581 4520 (Panama).
Why Choose Panama Teak Forestry Shares as a Timber Investment?
- Panama Teak Forestry holds more land and teak per dollar invested than any other timber company in Panama. You can expect to receive the best return in the industry.
- We are a debt-free, efficiently managed company with exceptionally low overhead, committed to investor value. Panama Teak Forestry´s directors are major shareholders of the company, with a long-term focus. They select land, plant new teak, and manage our timberland for optimum long term value growth and quality.
- Panama Teak Forestry is putting its own mill and kiln into operation. This will allow us to maximize return on logs harvested from our timber farms since cut and kiln-dried teak sells for significantly more than the price of unprocessed logs. We can also process timber from other suppliers, providing an additional income stream to shareholders.
- We practice environmentally friendly, holistic agro-forestry. Co-cropping maximizes productivity and soil health, provides additional income, and increases the yield per hectare at harvest. When managed this way, teak is a green investment.
- Share ownership is preferable to owning timber directly due to gains in economies of scale, liquidity, investment security, and yields from multiple profit streams. Because Panama Teak Forestry owns many large stands of teak of different ages, any investment risk is minimized.
Low Minimum Investment, Outstanding ROI
The minimum investment in Panama Teak Forestry is 10 shares. The current share price is $3,245.00. The price of shares will increase monthly as our teak stands become ready for staged thinning and final harvest.
Our current stock offering is primarily based on share trading but may also be used to finance the purchase and planting of additional teak property. The overall cost per hectare for the land, planting, and management through a complete harvest cycle (30 years) is estimated at $25,000 to $30,000 per hectare while the value obtained is significantly more
Company Holdings
Panama Teak Forestry owns 700 hectares (approximately 1,750) acres of land and timber concessions:
- 66 hectares of teak planted in 1999.
- 43 hectares of teak planted in 2004.
- 200 hectares of teak planted in 2007.
- 200 hectares of teak planted in 2008.
- 40 hectares of teak planted in 2011.
- 15 hectares of cedro espino planted in 2001.
- Additional availability to tropical hardwood timber concession
- 136 hectares of additional of land some to be used for future planting and the rest is either planted in crops or restored to a natural tropical jungle state, increasing the biodiversity of the company holdings.
In addition to its land and trees, Panama Teak Forestry holds these assets:
- A sawmill, kiln, and mill buildings.
- Vehicles and equipment.
- Livestock 60 cattle
Panama Teak Forestry has no liabilities and zero debt.
Special Note for Large Investors
Large Panama Teak Forestry stock purchases will provide safe returns over time, but producing high-quality stands of teak that command top prices at maturity requires patience and a steady infusion of capital. Tropical timber is a long-term investment. Large investors (over $1 million) should contact us to design a sound investment plan. Staged investments of $10 million or more can be tailored to meet shareholder requirements.